Recruit faster, better and never compromise on talent
Enabling the Revolution through Exceptional Talent
Passionate about the connect between man and machine, we’ve built a formidable network in this dynamic field. We know who can open doors and close deals with the right end clients, integrators and distributors.
You’ll find us well-versed in the latest in AI, ML and the intricacies of robotic system architectures, the terminology and the unique challenges your sector faces. We excel at connecting you with visionary and technical talent to navigate fast-paced advancements.
This positions us to quickly and efficiently fulfil your specific recruitment needs, setting us far ahead of traditional recruitment agencies. Rather than simply filling vacancies, we exist to propel your robotics business forwards through the laser-like introduction of outstanding talent, giving you the edge over your competition.
Your challenges & how we solve them
Growing Revenue
In robotics, top-line growth requires a robust Go-To-Market strategy, complemented by select talent with connects in the right end users, distributors and integrators. Commercial hiring in robotics demands precision; too many errors can undermine progress and hand the advantage to your competitors. We ensure our clients’ success by vetting candidates thoroughly and by uniquely validating prior performance.
Recruit sector-leading Go-To-Market executives:
Innovating & Building Advanced Robotics Products
With rapid technological change, staying ahead means your offering must transcend boundaries, head in the direction of market demand and do so at pace. This is hard – and it’s impossible without exceptional people. The quality of your CPO, CTO and their teams across AI, sensor integration, IoT and ML will dictate your competitive edge. And the speed of development cycles will determine if you get to market before others.
Recruit the industry’s finest:
Securing Investment
With high development costs, significant upfront investment is required to fuel research and development, scale operations, expand the team, and bring your innovative products to market. It’s essential to secure not only the amount of funding to provide the runway, but also favourable conditions and flexibility for future rounds. A seasoned CFO is critical, bringing the financial and strategic experience along with investor credibility and negotiation skills.
Robotics Subsectors in which we operate
(that we network within daily)